Oral Presentation Submission

Oral (English)

Presentation Preparation

Presentation time:

12 mins presentation + 3 mins live Q&A

File extension:

PPT (English)

Aspect ratio:


How the session will go:

Submit your file online

Please arrive in the session room at least 15 minutes before the session.


To keep the sessions running to the set schedule and to allow possible questions from the audience, it is very important to keep presentation within the allocated time.

Any standard fonts provided by MS Office may be used. If not, please attach the font file(s) with the presentation file.

Please check your presentation file in advance of your presentation to ensure your file works properly.

If your presentation file contains animations or movies, you are advised to check over technical matters 3 hours prior to your session.

Presentation Upload

Presentation File *

PPT template

Latex Template